Ha-Nagar St 22, Hod Hasharon
Medatech implements Priority and serves more than 1,500 customers who enjoy the benefits of the experience that Medatech gained in implementing Priority since 1993.
Medatech sale Priority and provide all you need to implement it!
services include Business process
design, Customization, Training, data migration, Help desk services, etc.
functions as a Single Point of Contact organization. We provide best-of-breed third-party solutions (BI, MES, Mobile, WEB Applications, etc.) and we also
cater for hosting Priority in the cloud (SaaS or as an on-premise), infrastructure, and related technical
support issues (System Admin, DBA, etc.).
In order to support the unique requirements of niche businesses Medatech has developed special add-on modules that enhance Priority’s built-in functionality, expanding those third-party modules and delivering better solutions to our customers has been our trademark over the years. Some of the verticals we are currently supporting include different types of manufacturing (Plastics, Chemicals, Metal Processing, Hi-Tech, Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, etc.), Distribution, Customer Service, Project Management, Construction, and other types of businesses.