Food preparation industry


The module offers a complete solution for food preparation facilities, from the stage of generating of contracts and menus with the client, through calculating the changing quantities of food needed to be prepared on-site each day based on the varying number of diners per day and the variable quantitative keys according to age and the quantities of food agreed upon in the contract.


The module includes daily updates of these quantities based on changes requested by the clients, and revision of the per diem calculations, generating daily orders for each site of each client, and making purchases on the basis of current inventory and the materials needed for preparation.


Production is carried out pursuant to Priority’s standard.


The different sized containers are subsequently organized (containers of different volumes inside containers or platters inside thermopods, and quantities of meal trays are calculated).


Packaging instructions are generated at the delivery station on the basis of the different distribution lines; orders are consolidated before distribution, packaging labels for distribution are printed, overall distribution line management is carried out, breakdowns and problematic meals are tracked, deliveries to clients are scheduled, final products are removed from inventory, and clients are charged per the agreement.


The module also offers powerful menu pricing tools (the variable daily cost, compared with the fixed cost in the agreement), tools for general updating of menus, orders, and deliveries (such as when changing carbohydrates due to freshness or price restrictions), taking into account prohibited meals at a site, managing end-points with cashiers, and providing a response to many additional issues which characterize the food industry.

Detailed description:

First stage – handling contracts and infrastructures

  • Creation of meals for clients
  • Meals comprising several different daily menus.
  • The menu consists of the food for a particular day at a particular client site (class, kindergarten, NPO, factory).
  • Option for managing meals in cycles (repeated weekly/biweekly/monthly).
  • Powerful menu update tools for clients and for making general changes (replacing rice with potatoes, replacing main courses).
  • Variable measures of quantities per meal set per client/class/site.
  • Quantitative meal keys established by product family and age cross-sections.
  • Fixed distribution days recorded for clients/sites.
  • General changes updated at the client/site/class level: a one-time change, fixed change, or temporary change to the menu, distribution days, and quantities distributed (holiday, partial attendance, food allergies, unusual events, etc.).
  • Distribution of meals on the menu based on the number of diners, percentages (60% of carbohydrates are rice; 40% are potatoes), or by fixed and unchanging meals (gluten, special meals). It is also possible to include a number of options in the same menu. (Factory cafeteria – calculating the daily number of main dishes according to the number of diners, carbohydrates and cold dishes based on the percentage of client requests for that day plus four special gluten or peanut-free dishes).
  • Menu prices and specific changes to it are determined on a per end-point basis. The price may be set per the agreement with the client and days/ events/ specific cases/ additional full-price products added in an additional agreement. Quantities for charging are established, as compared with quantities for delivery.

 Second stage – opening orders in the system

  • Menu-to-order plan are established.
  • Daily menus for a client’s site are checked.
  • Calculations are made of the number of diners at a site on a particular day, the client’s menu, changes requested by the client, the quantity per diner, on holidays and changes for a particular day.
  • Opening an order includes the menu catalogue numbers and quantities according to a predefined key, price, and quantities for billing.
  • Work supported with the Ministry of Education (weight or unit per meal, whichever is higher).
  • Option provided for opening pre-orders months in advance in order to make purchases.
  • Tools for the center’s use to update current and future orders (clients calling to request changes in the food, dates, or quantities).
  • Tools for making general changes to orders (last minute changes).
  • Plans for each day’s orders are updated in line with changes made.

Third stage – production

Carried out using the system’s standard tools, while responding to the special requirements of the food industry

  • MRP is applied at the primary preparation facility and end points (predetermining which meals are produced at the end points and how they are prepared vis-à-vis the delivery of complete meals).
  • A work plan is activated and preparation times calculated, including thawing.
  • Reports for kitchen preparation and production are provided, including preparation and production times and instructions according to the required times.
  • Production and inventory reports are updated.
  • Deliveries by distribution routes are opened.
  • Purchases are made.

Fourth stage – calculating final capacity packaging and printing packaging labels and instructions

  • Packaging method is determined by client/site/class/end point.
  • Specific tools are used to establish conversion tables for the packaging of each product family and product quantity, including internal packaging (trays for thermoboxes, containers) and external packaging (cartons, thermopods, takeaway trays).
  • An option is provided to include a number of orders in the package to take delivery costs and procurements planning into account. The end client does not see the different packaging products within the packages.
  • Each order is broken down into its component parts and final packaging calculated.
  • Final packaging method is recorded on a special screen and the order costs updated.
  • Packaging labels are printed according to the packaging lines, distribution routes, and packaging rounds. (A facility that prepares meals must package thousands of meals within a few hours in the morning and consolidate an order’s food from several departments – salads, heated food, cold food, condiments, etc.)
  • The labels are the packaging instructions. The labels are tracked in the packaging reports.
  • The cartons are numbered to make it easier for the service center to deal with customer service problems.
Zoom Compatible No
Version number 16.3, 17, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3
Country Israel
Relevant Priority Versions
Input language supported Hebrew
Interface language Compatible to Web interface, Compatible to Windows interface
Device Desktop, Tablet
Cloud compatible yes

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